Thursday, July 4, 2013

Super Blogger Formatting Secrets For Future Masters Of The Blogosphere

     Okay Screaming Fool Blogsters ("SFBs") I am just going to come out and tell you something here because I have been sitting at this computer close to around the clock and have almost nothing to show for it except a sore back and a case of the heebie-jeebies.  I knew I had to get some good words cranked out, but my computer had a mind of its own. Man I hope the way those past 24 hours went by like nothing I did not get abducted by aliens and space-probed or something. Yuck. Bleh. Bleh. (Hey everybody, do your labels today!")
     It is kind of like that board game I do not know if they still sell it but after the weird creepy stuff I have heard about happening to people wanting to use it to get a visitation from the dead see even here I do not even want to see it, say it, or even write it. 
     No, you know what, I am going to, even though that story I heard about the planchette (the moving triangle piece) going straight off the board into someone's  neck so hard that it was strangling/suffocating him was told by a very credible person. They had to call the Minnesotta state troopers. When they came it flew off the first player who was pinned up against the wall by the neck and went right for one of the state troopers in the same place and pegged him up against the wall by the neck. I do not know what happened after that. Could be tricky to remove. Chainsaw? Blowtorch? Hammer? I do not know.
     Anyway, here goes: "Ouija!" Anything happen? "Ouija! Ouija! Ouija!" Um, just in case, "Satan get thee behind me." Hopefully that should cover it and we maybe got a few keywords in as well. It IS rather curious that when I looked "Ouija!" up on Google it had just been in the news earlier today when the Washington Nationals Manager Davey Johnson blamed batting problems on "my Ouija! board". 
      Okay I do not believe it but we are going to come in in the magic five paragraphs this blog. See how balanced it looks?  Anyway we are still recommending "our favorite blogs" but you can see before I got writing for these last couple posts I fooled around and gave the blog some design. I do not know how to do it really so I just used design and kind of let it pick a layout, which one day will be important if we wish to be approved for ads. In the meantime you can go fancy, too, and use "template designer", I think I picked one of the new ones that is called "Awesome". Thanks, Google, CIA, whoever. Anyway I also messed up my font so I have been making it bigger on Blogger drafting its just the thing that drops down and gives a word like "Large" which this size is for me right now. Okay SFBs, ciao for now.

My favorite blogs: 

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